1.18.2 / 세계 / 야생 과일

야생 과일

야생 과일

다양한 종류의 많은 야생 과일들이 세계에서 자라고 있습니다. 이 과일들은 올바른 장비를 이용해 수집하여 먹거나 농사할 수 있습니다. 과일들은 다양한 종류의 덤불 또는 나무에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 일반적으로, 과일은 과일 나무, 큰 덤불, 그리고 작은 덤불과 같은 종류의 식물에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

과일 식물들은 공통적인 생활 주기가 있습니다. 이들은 매년 자라고, 꽃을 피우고, 과일을 열고, 다시 집니다.

과일 식물들에는 철이 있습니다. 추운 계절에, 이 식물들은 갈색으로 변하고 죽습니다. 봄에는 초록색으로 변하고 생기를 찾으며, 과일을 열 준비를 하고 점차 자랍니다. 이런 일이 일어나는 정확한 때는 모든 과일이 다 다릅니다. 과일 식물들은 또한 오래되거나 알맞지 않은 기후에 있다면 죽을 수도 있습니다.

과일 나무

과일 나무는 작은 묘목에서 큰 꽃나무로 자랍니다. 과일 나무의 가지는 매우 중요하며 알맞은 기후에 있다면 계속 자라게 됩니다. 과일 나무들이 성숙하면, 가지 주변으로 이 납니다. 잎에서는 계절에 따라 꽃이 피거나 열매가 맺힙니다.


과일 나무의 예시.

과일 나무는 묘목에서부터 자랍니다. 해당 계절이 나무의 휴면기가 아니라면, 묘목은 나무의 자리를 잡고 자라기 시작합니다. 다 자란 나무의 크기는 원래 묘목 블록에 얼마나 많은 묘목이 있었는지에 따라 대략적으로 결정됩니다. 묘목이 많을수록 더 큰 나무가 자랍니다.
묘목들은 하나의 블록에 접목을 통해 추가될 수 있습니다. 접목하려면 묘목을 들고 왼손에는 칼을 든 상태에서 오른쪽 버튼을 누르면 됩니다.

To get saplings from a fruit tree, break the 'elbow' blocks (branch blocks that are attached to a block on one side and above) tree with an Axe. Saplings can also be placed on these 'elbow' sections, if they are not too high up in the tree. This allows one fruit tree to grow multiple fruits. Harvesting fruit is done with 오른쪽 버튼 when the leaf block is bearing fruit. This will give one fruit, and revert the plant back to its growing stage, until it goes dormant for the winter.

체리 나무

Temperature: 5 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 100 - 350mm

Cherry trees grow in the months of January through March, start flowering in April and May, and bear fruit in June.


An example cherry tree.

Green Apple Tree

Temperature: 1 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 110 - 280mm

Green apple trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.


An example green apple tree.

Lemon Tree

Temperature: 10 - 30 °C
Rainfall: 180 - 470mm

Lemon trees grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.


An example lemon tree.

Olive Tree

Temperature: 5 - 30 °C
Rainfall: 150 - 500mm

Olive trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

Olives can be used to produce Olive Oil, which can be used as a fuel for lamps.


An example olive tree.

Orange Tree

Temperature: 15 - 36 °C
Rainfall: 250 - 500mm

Orange trees grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.


An example orange tree.

Peach Tree

Temperature: 4 - 27 °C
Rainfall: 60 - 230mm

Peach trees grow from December to March, start flowering in April and May, and bear fruit in June.


An example peach tree.

Plum Tree

Temperature: 15 - 31 °C
Rainfall: 250 - 400mm

Plum trees grow from January to April, start flowering in May and June, and bear fruit in July.


An example plum tree.

Red Apple Tree

Temperature: 1 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 100 - 280mm

Red Apple trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.


An example red apple tree.

Banana Tree

Temperature: 17 - 35 °C
Rainfall: 280 - 500mm

Bananas are a special kind of fruit tree. They grow only vertically, lack leaves, and only fruit at the topmost block. Saplings are dropped from the flowering part of the plant. Once a banana plant is harvested, it dies, and will not produce any more fruit. It must be replanted in the spring.


An example banana tree.

큰 덤불

큰 덤불은 모든 방향으로 자라고 퍼지는 과일 식물입니다. 이들은 3블록까지 바로 위로 자라거나, 새로운 덤불로 자라는 가지를 뻗을 수 있습니다. 시간이 지난 후, 덤불은 퍼지기를 멈추고 성숙합니다. 이 덤불들을 날카로운 도구로 수확하면 새로운 덤불을 얻을 수도 있습니다. 완전히 성숙한 덤불은 항상 자기 자신을 떨어뜨립니다.


A wild tall bush.

큰 덤불은 가지가 뿌리내릴 곳이 있을 때 퍼질 수 있습니다. 이는 하나의 덤불이 새로운 덤불을 만들기 위해서는 아래에 고체 블록이 필요하다는 것을 의미합니다. 다른 구조물이나 풀들이 없는 평평하고 트인 공간이 덤불이 퍼질 확률을 가장 높입니다.

덤불들은 과일 나무와 다르게 수화를 결정하기 위해 주변의 블록들을 확인합니다. 이 블록들은 오로지 강수량의 영향만 받습니다
모든 다 자란 덤불은 열매를 맺을 수 있으며, 오른쪽 버튼을 눌러 수확할 수 있습니다.

블랙베리 덤불

Temperature: 7 - 24 °C
Rainfall: 24 - 100mm

Blackberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example blackberry bush.

산딸기 덤불

Temperature: 5 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 24 - 100mm

Raspberry bushes grow from April to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example raspberry bush.

블루베리 덤불

Temperature: 7 - 29 °C
Rainfall: 12 - 100mm

Blueberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example blueberry bush.

딱총나무 덤불

Temperature: 10 - 33 °C
Rainfall: 12 - 100mm

Elderberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example elderberry bush.

작은 덤불

Small Bushes are a kind of low lying fruit block that spawns in forests. Small bushes occasionally will spread to surrounding blocks, if there aren't too many other bushes nearby.

Small bushes will go through three sizes, and when grown, they are harvested just with 오른쪽 버튼.


Three different sizes of a healthy small bush

Bunchberry Bush

Temperature: 15 - 35 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %

Bunchberry bushes grow from May to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a bunchberry bush.

Gooseberry Bush

Temperature: 5 - 27 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %

Gooseberry bushes grow from April to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a gooseberry bush.

Snowberry Bush

Temperature: -7 - 18 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %

Snowberry bushes grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a snowberry bush.

Cloudberry Bush

Temperature: -2 - 17 °C
Hydration: 9 - 100 %

Cloudberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June to August, and bear fruit in September.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a cloudberry bush.

Strawberry Bush

Temperature: 5 - 28 °C
Hydration: 12 - 100 %

Strawberry bushes grow from October to December, start flowering in January and February, and bear fruit in March.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a strawberry bush.

Wintergreen Berry Bush

Temperature: -6 - 17 °C
Hydration: 12 - 100 %

Wintergreen berry bushes grow from May to September, start flowering in October and November, and bear fruit in December.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a wintergreen berry bush.

Cranberry Bush

Temperature: -5 - 17 °C
Hydration: 30 - 100 %

Cranberry bushes grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.

They can be found in forests. Unlike most small bushes, cranberry bushes are grown underwater.


The monthly stages of a cranberry bush.